About me

I have had experience training myself for a number of years now. I have studied about the body for a total of 5 years, although took more of an interest 4 year ago. As I had seen improvements within myself, I looked to help others change their lifestyles for the better. At the age of 20, I have started up this fitness business alongside completing University and taking extra Level 4 qualifications on top of my Personal Trainer qulification. I have already been through many life experiences in which other people can relate to, which makes it easy for me to be more understanding and approachable. I have spent my last 4 years either studying, training and getting know how to body works.

Personal Interests - Weight Lifting / Mountain Biking



7 months out from training (Injury March 2015). 7 months later with no answers, no training I have lost 1.5 stone.

09/10/2015 -  After finally seeing a consultant at the Nuffield, he says that my pain is a referred pain from a schmorl herniation in a vertebral disc. Schmorl herniation's (are protrusions of the cartilage of the intervertebral disc through the vertebral body endplate and into the adjacent vertebra) also for a number of years I have noticed that my hips are slanted but I have thought this was due to the way in which my growth spurt as a teenager had lead me, but this is actually down to a PARS fracture. http://www.pamf.org/sports/harriss/parsstressfractures.pdf

The Fracture is thought to be an old rugby injury or mountain biking injury whereas the Schmorl hernation is part of a growing process which also effects teenagers.

A CT scan is now booked to look into the fracture within further detail. As for the herniation, the pain should subside within another 6-12months by itself. I have now started light training to regain my physical appearance.

After waiting over a month to finally get my CT Scan results back, it has been confirmed that I have a PARS fracture. The scans confirmed that I was born with an abnormal vertebra which may have fractured a number of years ago. The left side has also started to fracture due to taking all of the stress from rugby, mountain bike falls, heavy deadlifts/squats etc. I have started training and decided to do a 12 week transformation.